Tag Archives: giants ohio burial skeleton indian aboriginal mound builder excavation archeaology

Giant Skeletons Unearthed In Ohio

Here’s something I ponder. Why, were there so many reports in the 19th and early 20th century of giant skeletons being unearthed throughout the Americas? After World War Two, however, those reports appear to stop, for no particular reason. Scans of early newspapers from that era show a large number of these stories being printed and most seem to indicate these skeletons of “super humans” ranged from 7 feet to 9 feet tall.  They were reputed to be likely from some ancient aboriginal culture that predated the “modern” Native American.  Often the remains were found in groups, sometimes buried in circles or other types of configurations suggesting a ritual burial scene. These reports were quite common and in Ohio, often suggested that they may have been the remains of the mysterious culture of mound builders. I have found several news accounts of such giant skeletons being found in the Toledo area and especially near the shore of Lake Erie.

Here are a couple of couple of published examples of such stories from about a century ago in Ohio.

(from the New Philadelphia newspaper, The Ohio Democrat)
Skeleton of a Man Seven Feet in Height
Found by Workmen Digging a Cellar.

TIFFIN, Nov. 18. — While engaged in excavating a cellar on Webster Street the workmen exhumed a mammoth
skeleton, indicating that the individual who formerly possessed the osseous frame- work was over seven feet in height Whether it was that of a white man or an Indian could not be definitely ascertained, as most of the bones crumbled soon after being exposed to the air, and before they could be examined by those conversant with the method’s of distinguishing the skeletons of the
aborigines from those of their white brothers. Certain it is that the remains had been interred so long as to spoil
every chance for a sensation based upon some half traditional or wholly mythical tragedy. *

(Wire Service report in Janesville Wisconsin Newspaper, 1904.

Interesting Relic of Ancient Mound
Builders Is Discovered In Ohio.

Springfield, O., April 7.—A giant skeleton of a man has been unearthed on the Woolverton farm, a short distance
from Tippocanoe City. It measures eight feet from tho top of the leg to the ankles, the feet being
missing. The skull Is large enoughto fit as a helmet over the average man’s head. This skeleton was one of
seven found buried In a circle, their feet being pointed toward the center. Crude implements were near. The
skeletons are thought to be those of mound builders.

For the hundreds of these reports I’ve found, I cannot find any recent reports of where these bones might be or whatever happened to them or the “scientific investigations of reputable archeologists who studied. I don’t mention that to suggest a conspiracy theory but do find it rather curious. If you do, let me know.


Filed under Strange Happenings